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No New Posts Local Wedding Chapel

This is the Local Wedding Chapel

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No New Posts Employment Agency

This is where jobs are listed and how much the job pays. This is also where you can find a side job or a regular job to help pay for things

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No New Posts Doctor's Office - 1 Viewing

This is the local doctor’s office where sicknesses, colds, and small injuries can be tended to.

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No New Posts Hawk Hospital

This is where you go if you are seriously injured or very, very sick. Also this is where women who are pregnant go to have their baby or babies

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No New Posts Real Estate Agency

This is where you can find a House to buy

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No New Posts Photography Studio

Would you like special photos done? Are you engaged and need your engagement photos done? Are you close to your Wedding and need your Formal Wedding Portrait Done? Are you looking for a place to get your photos done for your Wedding and Reception? This is your place for everything.

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No New Posts Gargoyle Grounds - 1 Viewing

These are the grounds set aside for the Gargoyles. There is a large old castle and a large nesting building as well as a large cave area

Sub-boards: Gargoyle Castle, Gargoyle Caves, Rookery

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No New Posts Hotel

This is the local Hotel; it is huge and has many rooms in it, and 12 pools and 12 Jacuzzi's.

The hotel is completely Star Trek themed.

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No New Posts Adoption Center

This is where couples can adopt children who have no family or who have been taken from their parents for one reason or another. There is no cost to adopt a child besides your time and your love.

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No New Posts Orphanage

This is the local orphanage where children who have lost their family go or if given up for one reason or another.

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No New Posts Post Office

This is the local post office where you can mail letters and packages, you can get stamps here too and get your packages weighed, you can also get other mailing supplies here.

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No New Posts Heavens

This is where any and all RPs are done that are done in the heavens. There are different sections for each race and nationality like Egyptian Area, Romulan Area, Cardassian Area, Klingon Area; The Main Area is where you will find Galaxia And Galen as well as Konzen, Tenpou, And Kenren; the largest of the areas is for the Cybertronians.

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No New Posts Restaurants - 1 Viewing

These are all the restaurants.

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These are the boards for finding a place to live (besides the homes and such).
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