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No New Posts Humane Society (No-Kill) - 1 Viewing

This is a rather large building that has many cages of all sorts of sizes with cats, dogs, and many other animals which you can adopt for a small fee of 30 marks each

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No New Posts Vet Office

This is where most sick or injured animals can be taken or a Vet can be found here for animals that can't be brought here

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No New Posts Farrier Office

This is where you can get shoes put on your horses; see inside for pricing

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No New Posts Local Kennels

This is where any type of animals are allowed to stay, while their owner is away or quite busy, or just need to spend some time without their pets. There are lots of cages that are in this building, but each has a door that leads out into a play area where the animals can play and interact with others whenever they feel like doing so.

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No New Posts ASPCA

This is a local place that rescues animals from being abandoned and abused

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Animal Boards
These are all the boards for animals like the Humane Society, The Vet Office, The Farrier Office, The ASPCA.
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