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No New Posts Dining Hall

A gargantuan room, with a long table sitting in the center, surrounded by many smaller ones, all placed with wooden chairs and enough silverware to serve 2,000,000 people or more. At the head of the largest table, is are two chairs that are much grander than the others, reserved for none other than the Weyr Leaders

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No New Posts Kitchens

Just off the Dining Hall, the Kitchens are run by the Drudges, cooking food constantly to keep up with the growing population of the Weyr. You can snatch a few meatrolls from here for yourself and eat them while looking out the windows, or relaxing with friends or your Dragon. Come and get a warm cup of klah and maybe some stew if you don't feel like eating in the dining hall tonight.

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No New Posts Feeding Grounds - 1 Viewing

This is a huge area with large lush green fields where food is kept for the Dragons and Ridden Phoenix’s to eat. The mess is left to the Candidates, Jr. Weyrling’s, Sr. Weyrling’s, and regular Weyrfolk to clean up.

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Food Areas
This Is All The Food Areas Of The Weyr Including Dining Hall, Kitchens, And Feeding Grounds.
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