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No New Posts Main Weyrbowl

This is the main area of the Weyrbowl

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No New Posts Fireheights

This is a spot where Dragons will watch for Threadfall and coming visitors; there is a trench that is filled with oil when Threadfall is close and it is lit to kill any Thread that falls into the oil.

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No New Posts Threadfall

When Thread decides to fall here on Pern this is where it falls and where riders fight it.

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No New Posts Weyr Water

his is where you'll find the lake and its beach as well as the ocean and its beach.

Sub-boards: Opal Ocean/Peridot Beach, Emerald Lake/Aquamarine Beach

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No New Posts Forge

This has a fire, an anvil and all the fun stuff for metal work

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No New Posts Wher Den

This is where the Wher's are kept and where their handlers work with them.

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No New Posts Numbweed Patches

This is the patch of Numbweed bushes, come here to pick them, but remember to have your hands dipped in a Redwort wash.

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No New Posts Weyr Garden

A beautifully grown community garden that grows all the necessities of the Weyr; from fragrant flowers to grain and maize. Flitts watch over the vegetation, making sure no unwanted pests wander into the goods. You can come here to pick fruits & vegetables for chores.

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
This is the Weyrbowl, sometimes newcomers especially new candidates get confused here. Wings gather here to prepare for Threadfall and they depart from here. Also riders depart from here when they fly Search and they also return here after Search.
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