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No New Posts Hawk Television Station - 1 Viewing

This is the local television station

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No New Posts Hawk Radio Station

This is the local radio station

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No New Posts Local Library

This is a very large and very old library; it is 6 stories high and there are many different selections of books; it costs nothing to check out any of the books; however you do get a fee if you return them late.

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No New Posts Movie Theater

You can come here and watch some movies during your free time or take a date here too. Open all the time. It is 3 marks a person or 5 marks for a couple.

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No New Posts Movie Rental Place

This is where you can rent any and all movies you want to; it's 5 marks per movie

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No New Posts Hawk Museum - 1 Viewing

This is the local museum; there are mostly Egyptian artifacts from the days of Queen Akadeanna Hawk at the beginning of time to present times; however there are many more things as well like from Cybertron and other planets too

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No New Posts Earnhardt Racetrack

This is where stock cars race around an oval track, trying to get the checkered flag first at the end (think Nascar); there are stalls that have food, drinks, fan gear, etc. here

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This is where you can find the television station & radio station.
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